Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Ok so I'm back! I know, I know, I havent't posted anything yet... BUT I HAVE A GOOD EXCUSE!!! My computer crashed! Not just a little bug... I CRASHED AND BURNED! I lost EVERYTHING! Gone! Caput! Adios!

So, you know how everyone says "always do a back up!" and you have aaaaaall the good intentions in the world to keep up to date on it but then time flies by and backing up is far, far down the list of things to do. And after all, these things only happen to others. Your computer is reliable. And even IF anything happens, your hard drive will be safe right? Your data will all be their waiting to be recovered right?... WRONG!!!

I'm sorry to be one of these people but please, people... BACK UP YOUR COMPUTER!!! Mine was only 10months old... still on guaranty (don't get me started on that!) and yet, tonight, I am diging thrue every SD card and CD I suspect of having some files on it to recover most of what i had. And yes, this includes PICTURES!

So you see, I do have a good excuse for not having posted anything yet. But it's coming, I promise.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Ok, so I've come to the point where I've realized that I must give in and actually HAVE a blog!!! Many times now have I wanted to try out for DTs or perticipate in challenges but I can't... I DON'T BLOG!

So I give up! I surrender! You got me Blogger... I now must obey by the rules of the 21st century and actually... I can't believe I'm saying this... BLOG!

So now I guess I must start taking pictures of stuff I make and actually use this thing right? Yeah, tought so. I knew this blog thing would be to much work for me lol

But on the bright side, I get to create for myself a cool signatures like all the big blog stars have. I must, because that will make it look like I know what I'm doing. Who would doubt someone with a cool signature? No one! I mean, come on, a blog virgin would not have wasted time creating a signature right? So I must get one!

***Note to self: create a cool signature so that I look credible to the rest of the blogging comunity***

Clo :p
(yeah, i reeeeeally need a signature, this just doesn't cut it!)